Over a month after unveiling the Canvas Knight A350 in Russia, Micromax has announced the launch of this octa-core smartphone in its home-country. Priced at INR 19,999, the phone will go on sale today exclusively at the company’s online store. We are not sure for how long this exclusivity is going to last.
Featuring MediaTek MT6592T 2GHz octa-core processor, Micromax Canvas Knight comes with 5-inch full HD display, 2GB of RAM, and Android 4.2.2. The phone also packs 2350 mAh battery, 32GB of internal storage, 16MP rear camera, and 8MP front camera.
Micromax has also included 3G support along with other usual connectivity options on the smartphone.
According to a press release issued by the company, Canvas Knight will be pre-loaded with apps like BBM, Hike, GetIt, Truecaller, Spuul, Kingsoft Office Suite, Opera Mini, M!Live, M!Vault, M!Security and Games (RealSteel WRB, Where’s My Perry and Where’s My Water.
“Canvas Knight is another milestone for Micromax to bring the best combination of technology, style and affordability for the masses. With the launch of Canvas Knight, our first octa-core smartphone, we have yet again raised the bar of affordable innovation in the country,” said Rahul Sharma, Co-Founder, Micromax.
The phone will compete with the likes of Intex Aqua Octa and Gionee Elife E7 Mini in the country.
Note: This post has been updated to reflect that Canvas Knight features an 8MP front camera.
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