Kabenlah.com has gotten the privilege to host one of the finest bloggers in this blogosphere. He goes by the name Nosa Ero Nosa with Thatnaijablog as his blog.
Let hear what he has to say;
Any smartphone or gadget that is Plugged-IN will always attract its electrical equivalent. This enables the device to be charged, thus ensuring full functionality. In blogging, this phenomenon is exactly alike. Anyone who wants to become a blogger of enviable heights, has to be Plugged-IN to the blog-o-sphere.
Blogging is tough, but blogging alone is tougher. The will to become successful in blogging is what everyone who first conceives the idea of being a blogger desperately shoots for. This is not difficult to acquire, the status of a “successful blogger” is not a gift bestowed by providence on only a few rarely endowed bloggers. It is like the ability to play football; any man or woman – every person can develop his own latent capacity if he has sufficient desire to do so and this requires that the person is Plugged-IN.
Your association to a large extent determines your future. Hence, you cannot afford to stand alone; you need to be Plugged-IN to the blog-o-sphere to realize your dreams. No one grows by being a blogger; a successful blogger grows by connecting with the right bloggers.
Most bloggers have arrived at the shores of failure, not because they did not invest in their blog or lacked the will to reproduce great contents. They simply never realized how a simple thing as lack of “association” could force one’s blog on a downward spiral.
I had blogged in isolation and I was largely not comfortable with people knowing I was a blogger, but I couldn’t understand why I had to breed this kind of mindset for so much a long time. This indeed was the recipe for not realizing my goals a few years ago. There is a direct connection between the success of your blog and kind of bloggers you connect with. Those who refuse to connect with other bloggers and form a respectful relationship can only achieve two things; one is failure and disgrace and the other is success which will happen after a very hard labor and may not be sustainable.
Whether you realize it or not, you must know that your blog is formed and developed every day. The most powerful influences to your blog are determined by what you read, what you think, what you see and the kind of bloggers you associate with.
Being Plugged-IN to the blog-o-sphere requires that you connect with the right bloggers. The associations you keep in the ecosystem of millions of blogs have the power to bring life or death to your blog. That is why you can’t afford to surround yourself with mediocre bloggers who will prevent you from crystallizing your dreams. If your desire is pale and flabby, your achievement will also take on that hue and consistency.
It takes humility to ask questions and in questions do you find answers. Asking the right kind of questions that will propel your blog to stardom only comes from building a relationship with pro-bloggers. They may ignore you at first because they have had to deal with too many persons, but being exceptional by seeking answers to intelligent questions will leave you at an incredible position to snap their attention. Go after your goal with persistence and with the energy of a bulldog after a cat, nothing underneath the bridge can defeat you.
Your Turn
Fear is the begotten of ignorance and uncertainties said Professor Robinson in whom I have great admiration. Most young bloggers are scared of sending a mail and connecting with older bloggers which is obviously one of the ways a blogger can get noticed in the blog-o-sphere. It would interest you to know that my entire blogging journey all started from a connection; a single reply from one of the most prolific gaming bloggers in the last decade Mr. Ben Duka, in whose eyes I saw blogging and crafted my niche. The association you keep will eventually characterize the future of your blogs, are you Plugged-IN by connecting with the right bloggers?
The post Are You Plugged-IN To The Blog-O-Sphere? appeared first on Kabenlah.com.