Do you need Traffic? Please get it Here!

Traffic, traffic and traffic! is what every blogger seeks. Hey wait, for non-blogger reading this post I’m sorry, I’m not talking about those hectic and annoying bumper-to-bumper we experience on our roads. But increase in traffic in the blogosphere to one’s blog tells how popular that site is. With that every blogger sought out for high traffic techniques.
So how can bloggers increase their site’s traffic? As a blogger, how effective is your blog’s traffic ? And how well do you intend maintaining it. Let’s now delve into how to build a high traffic website.

1. Create valuable contents.

Is your content worthy of being read by millions of people? Remember that the purpose of content is to provide value to others. Do you provide genuine value, and is it the best you’re capable of providing?

Strong content is universally valued. It takes hard work to create it, but in the long run it generates lots of long-term referral traffic. Quality is more important than quantity.That is why more and more bloggers are turning to best writing services for help in creating good content with interesting text and good content. This solves two problems at once - it saves time and gives a good text that is executed according to the requirements.. Quantity without quality, however, is easier, which is one reason so many people use that strategy. Ultimately, however, the Internet already contains more quantity than any one of us can absorb in our lifetimes, but there will always be a place for good quality content that stands out from the crowd. So one really needs not to provide any content but rather readable contents which are filled with quality.

If you have nothing of genuine value to offer to a large audience, then you have no need of a high-traffic web site. And if there’s no need for it, you probably won’t get it. Each time you write, focus on creating the best content you can. You’ll get better as you go along, but always do your best.

2. Create timeless content.

While I do occasionally write about time-bound events, the majority of my content is intended to be timeless. I’m aware that anything I write today may still be read by people even after I’m dead. People still quote Aristotle today because his ideas have timeless value, even though he’s been dead for about 2300 years.

I tend to ignore fads and current events in my writing. Wars, natural disasters, and corrupt politicians have been with us for thousands of years. There are plenty of others who are compelled to write about those things, so I’ll leave that coverage to them.

Will the content you’re creating today still be providing real value in the year 2020? 2100? 4000?

In terms of traffic building, timeless content connects with people at a deeper level than time-bound content. The latter is meant to be forgotten, while the former is meant to be remembered. We forget yesterday’s news, but we remember those things that have meaning to us.

3.Write for human beings first, computers second.

A lot has been written about the optimal strategies for strong search engine rankings in terms of posting frequency and post length. But I largely ignore that advice because I write for human beings, not computers.

I write when I have something meaningful to say, and I write as much as it takes to say it. Many bloggers tend to be more interested in Search Engines to the extend that they end up producing nothing good to provide to their readership.

Simply write for humans and the search engines will search for you!

4.Write what is true for you, and learn to live with the consequences.

If the stuff I’ve written on this site means I’ll never be able to run for a political office, I can live with that.  I’m willing to write what is true for me, even if it goes against my social conditioning. I take the time to form my own opinions instead of simply regurgitating what I was taught as a child.

I don’t worry too much about hurting people’s feelings.  Hurt feelings are a step in the right direction for many people.  If I’m able to offend you so easily, to me that means you already recognize some truth in what I’ve written, but you aren’t ready to face it consciously yet.

5.Know why you want a high-traffic site.

I write because my purpose in life is to help people become more conscious and aware – to grow as human beings.   Because my work is driven by this purpose, I have a compelling reason to build a high-traffic web site, one that aligns with my deepest personal values.  More web traffic means I can have a bigger impact by reaching more people.  And over the course of the next few decades, this influence has the potential to create a positive change that might alter the future direction of human civilization.  Most significantly, I want to help humanity move past fear and for us to stop relating to each other through the mechanisms of fear.  If I fail, I fail.  But I’m not giving up no matter how tough it gets.

Have your say on this topic. What do you think? I know you have something to say that’s why I want you to comment below.

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