A version of this was originally published on MRY's Tumblr
#adthink panel including @dberkowitz pic.twitter.com/1tC2RjmuDi
— Beena Kalaiya (@BKalaiya) November 13, 2013
I had the honor and pleasure last week of joining the AdThink III event by Redbooks and the Advertising Club of New York, showcasing presentations from startups GoChime, Citia, URX, Adventr, and Shareablee, all of which offered ways to address real challenges that marketers face.
I was so impressed judging the startup pitches that I wondered how I could possibly capture their essence? The closest thing I could come up with to an elevator pitch is haiku, so here you go — all of AdThink III’s pitches reimagined as haiku:
jaffe, share your juice
bard, host, startup BFF
plus solves tech glitches
GoChime ads marry
email, crm, social
don’t jilt email yet
new Citia cards
give snoop lion mobile buzz
puff puff pass retweet
u r URX
deep linked ads for mobile apps
w00t ROAS
goodbye the ochre
now choose your own Adventr
play, replay each vid
Shareablee pinpoints
what makes content shareable
easy fix: add cats
thanks redbooks, ad club
davis & gilbert, great wine
see you adthink IV