Guy Pissed With Jaguar’s Service Has Donkeys Tow Car To Dealership In Protest

donkeys-tow-jaguar-1.jpg Wait -- are the two in the front attached to the windshield wipers?! Jaguar XF owner Rahul Tharak got so pissed at his Jaguar's mechanical problems and his local dealership's inability to fix them that he had donkeys tow the car to the dealership in protest. When reached for comment, the donkeys had this to say, "What the f***, man? Your lemon-ass car ain't our fault."
That's not all; he covered the Jag with hand-drawn posters which read 'Bogus Car', 'Bogus Company', and 'Bogus Service'. The placard on the rear windshield written in local language read: "Is a donkey better or a car for Rs 50 lakh". According to the owner, his $80,000 XF had problems with its headlights, bumper and mechanical issues which the dealer was unable to mend despite repeated complaints. He added that it is better to have 6 seater autorickshaw than owning a Jaguar and covered it with hay bale to make it appear like a village cart. The JLR dealership in Ahmedabad has preferred not to comment on it.
Damn, those donkeys are cute. Now I kinda want to open my own personal petting zoo. Get a couple donkeys, some goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits -- what else? "Kangaroos." Yes! I'll get some kangaroos. What else? "Deadly vipers!" Good call! I'll get some deadl-- wait. I feel like you aren't taking this seriously. Come on, this is my future petting zoo we're talking about! "Screw your petting zoo." I hope you get eaten by crocodiles, and I mean that. Keep going for a couple more shots.
  • By Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
  • Posted in Gadgets
  • Tagged animals, Cars, donkey, Driving, heck yeah you did, hehaw hehaw, , Jaguar, lemons, man you have so many donkeys what the hell do you need a car for anyways?, no but seriously i do like donkeys more than cars he's right about that, Protest, Service, towing things, whatever works, you showed them
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