I’m Riding A Bug!: GIant Cockroach Pool Float

cockroach-raft-1.jpg This is the $30 giant cockroach pool float. It's a raft that looks like a giant cockroach. Speaking of, I saw a giant cockroach in the hallway yesterday and tried to kill it by by stepping on it. "Tried?" TRIED -- it didn't die. This wasn't on carpet either, this was hard wood. 190 pounds didn't kill the f***er. Then it ran under a baseboard. I've got the feeling he's rallying all his friends and they're going to attack me in my sleep tonight. Which is why I pissed in my roommate's bed and told him he could sleep and piss in mine tonight. *tapping head* I'm a thinker. Thanks to chichi, who agrees inflatable love dolls make the best adult swim pool floats.
  • By Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
  • Posted in Gadgets
  • Tagged bugs, cockroach, different strokes for different folks, float, i used to have alligator and killer whale pool floats so there!, pool, riding things, STOMP IT WITH CLEATS, summertime and the living is not actually that easy if we're being honest, sure why not, things that look like other things, watersports
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