SMASH: Artist Welds Giant Scrap Metal Hulk Sculpture

scrap-metal-hulk-1.jpg Seen here looking suspiciously like he has a spider for a penis, this is the giant Incredible Hulk sculpture that Thailand scrap metal artist BanHunLek created. He did a great job. You know, scrap metal is great because it's one of those materials that you can find lying around anywhere. Like, take this piece for example -- I found it just sitting in my neighbor's yard on top of a stick. "That's his mailbox." Haha, I was wondering why he was yelling at me when I took it. Keep going for several more shots.
  • By Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
  • Posted in Gadgets
  • Tagged artist, good job, heck yeah i've always dreamed of getting lockjaw, holy smokes, HULK SMASH, incredible hulk, making things out of other things, metal, scrap metal, skills, tetanus waiting to happen, Thailand, trash to treasure, welding
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