Super Smash Bros. Wii U Bundle Spotted On Amazon UK

Smash bros image 640x359Nintendo loves to sell its hardware along with its software, which is one of the reasons why you won’t be seeing Nintendo’s main franchises making its way onto non-Nintendo consoles or mobile devices anytime soon. That being said, earlier this year Nintendo released a Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle and we’re sure many gamers are wondering if the same could happen for Super Smash Bros.

Well it turns out that could be a possibility. This is according to the folks at GoNintendo who had recently spotted a Super Smash Bros. Wii U bundle on Amazon UK’s website. Unfortunately there was no accompanying image so we can’t be 100% sure that this bundle is the real deal, but like we said given Nintendo’s practices in the past, it wouldn’t be out of the question.

Oddly enough Amazon UK has listed the release date of the bundle for the 5th of December which was the old date for the game before Nintendo had moved it up. The Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. has been pegged for a release on the 21st of November, so either the bundle itself is going on sale at a later date or the listing has been made in error.

Nintendo has yet to formally announce such a bundle so we guess we’ll just have to wait and see if they do. WIth Mario Kart 8 helping Nintendo boost the sales of the Wii U console, we have no doubt that Super Smash Bros. will be able to do the same, so do check back with us at a later date for more info!

Super Smash Bros. Wii U Bundle Spotted On Amazon UK , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.
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