Battleships cruise through an abandoned starfield, preparing for the upcoming mission. “My heart’s racing,” someone mutters. A squad mate tells him to relax. The commander counts down: five, four, three, two. Engines rev, and all hell breaks loose.
The fighters fall out of warp and turn off their cloaking devices. Torpedoes fly. The Dominix – an aging battleship – bursts into flames. It never had a chance. And then it’s on to the next battle. And the next. And the next.
This might sound like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster, but it’s actually just another day in EVE Online, CCP Games’ incredibly resilient MMO space-simulator. With its sprawling, persistent universe and player-driven economy and governments, EVE Online isn’t quite like anything else on the market. Unlike most massively multiplayer games, EVE Online doesn’t provide quests or goals for the players. There’s no prescribed ...
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