Lenovo India has started sending out invites for a press event in the country on November 6, where it will be unveiling the X2 smartphone. Originally unveiled in September this year at IFA trade fair, Lenovo X2 is a mid-range smartphone and sports a layered design with three colours stacked atop each other.
Featuring a 5-inch full HD IPS display, the phone is powered by 2GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6595M processor. It comes with 2GB of RAM, dual-SIM support, Android 4.4 and 2300 mAh battery. The X2 also packs 13MP rear camera with LED flash, 5MP front shooter, 3G, 32GB of internal storage and the usual set of connectivity options.
Lenovo X2 is expect to retail around INR 25,000 in the country but the final pricing is a mystery at this point.
As always, we will bring you all the details from the Lenovo launch on Thursday, till then, check out this video preview of the smartphone.
The post Lenovo to launch Vibe X2 in India on November 6 appeared first on AndroidOS.in.