It is really funny the rate at which many go about parading themselves as pro-bloggers. I have had an hectic week here since there was a general demolition in my area to pave way for the construction of new railway lines. I wasn’t affected though but many were affected including my favourite food joint where I regularly go in for my lunch.
Anyway, she has gotten a new location so our usual Nafisatu Special Hausa Koko is still intact and there is no doubt that I will be visiting the base today. Hahaha!
Let move back to business as usual and talk of the discussion on the board. Never trust the probloggers for many are Fake. Yeah, many are of course fake so please beware.
Talking of probloggers, you can liken them to politicians who can tell you what is likely to happen today, tomorrow and years to come and if all of them don’t happen, they can tell you why all of them didn’t happen.
Or better still, you can liken them to these types of politicians to this;
He’s a wheeler he’s a dealer and a stealer and a thief
His lack of guilt and conscience is just beyond belief
His invective is defective, a collective load of bull
He wants your pockets empty so his coffers will be full
He connive and he deprives and he survives using his wit
He is a patronising bugger and a two-faced hypocrite
He’s a preacher, a beseecher and a creature of the dark
He has the morals of a vulture and the menace of a shark
He is vicious and capricious and suspicious of all men
He will bleed you to the marrow, then bleed you once again
He’s impure, he’s insecure, and he will lure you to his pack
He’ll encourage you to join him and then stab you in the back
He is profligate, a reprobate, a candidate for power
He’ll give you bad advice and then charge you by the hour
He’s critical and political, and is typical of his kind
He’s a devious politician with a twisted, cunning mind.
Most of them are hypocrites and are backstabbers. Liken them to a bad politician and that is what you get. Let me give you a clear instance, most pro-bloggers give you what you want to hear just like a politician will do and at the end do the exact opposite. So instead of following pro-bloggers, please just follow and listen to your own instincts.
Following what the so-called pro-bloggers have to offer will only make you depressed at the end like a raped victim. Some so-called pro-bloggers don’t earn that much but continue parading themselves as the gurus in blogging.
Please check out my next post where I will tell you about 3 Bloggers you need to be careful of. 3 Great Bloggers who are great Scammers! Hahahaa! I think that title will do.
Your turn
What has being your experience with the so-called pro-bloggers? Please feel free to have your say!
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