Well, I have no idea. But Google has a new series about it:
What is top of mind for mobile evangelists in the agency community? How are agencies helping their clients win with mobile? We caught up with mobile leaders from the agency world and asked what excites them — and challenges them — about mobile today.
There are some great features with Zach Morrison at Elite SEM, Tom Cramer at Razorfish, and my old friend Jeff Heinz at MediaCom. For those more inspired Q&As, you can go to Google's Think Insights site (one of the best resources available for mobile marketing and other marketing trends and topics). While I only have so much patience for watching myself on camera (especially on a day where I was so distracted by the interviewer wearing Google Glass), here's the interview, also hosted on Google's site:
The series also on Google's Mobile Ads, AdWords, and Agency blogs.
Oh, and here's what the interview looked like wearing Glass: