Companies enter into patent agreements from time to time. After all sometimes it is necessary that you use another company’s technology, and unless you want to be hit with a lawsuit and have your products banned from being sold, entering into a licensing agreement is probably a smart way to go about doing business.
Interestingly enough recently both Microsoft and Canon have entered into a patent agreement. While the details of the agreement are scarce, what caught the eye of many was this particular line, which claims that the agreement “covers a broad range of products and services each company offers, including certain digital imaging and mobile consumer products.”
Now Microsoft does not make cameras of their own, but they do have mobile devices especially in the face of the company officially acquiring the cellphone division of Nokia, so perhaps the patents both companies have agreed to share with each other could pertain to that. As it stands Nokia has Windows Phone smartphones with pretty impressive cameras, especially when we talk about devices like the Lumia 1020.
However assuming with the aid of Canon’s technology and experience in the camera business for the past few decades, perhaps those cameras could see an improvement. Of course it is simply speculation at this point in time – for all we know the patent agreement between both companies might be a lot less interesting than we think, but it’ll be worth keeping an eye out for future Microsoft handsets either way.
Microsoft And Canon Enter Into Patent Agreement With Each Other , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.